What holds us back from reaching our potential?

We all have the potential to be great at what we do.

What holds us back from reaching our potential?

We all have the potential to be great at what we do.

But sometimes, we can get in our own way and hold ourselves back from reaching that potential.

Here are a few things that might be holding you back from becoming the best graphic designer, illustrator, or creative professional you can be. Let's break them down so you can start moving forward!

Ourselves—we are often our own worst enemy

We are often said to be our own worst enemy, and this is certainly true when it comes to reaching our full potential. We are all capable of self-sabotage, of limiting ourselves and not allowing ourselves to reach our full potential.

This could be due to a lack of confidence or a fear of failure. We may be afraid to try something new or to take a risk for fear of failing. Or we may be stymied by our own doubts and fears, convinced that we aren't good enough or can't do it.

But, in order to reach our full potential, we must overcome our doubts and fears and believe in ourselves. We must have faith in our abilities and believe that we can accomplish anything we set our minds to.

We must concentrate on our strengths while ignoring the negative voices in our heads. And we must be determined to succeed regardless of the obstacles we face.

If you want to reach your full potential, you must first believe in yourself and ignore the negative voices in your head. No matter what challenges you face, stay focused on your strengths and be determined to succeed.

With hard work and determination, you can achieve anything you set your mind to!

Other people—sometimes, other people can hold us back

Sometimes, it's not ourselves that holds us back from reaching our potential, but other people. Whether it's family, friends, or colleagues, there are people in our lives who can unwittingly (or deliberately) stand in our way.

They may do this by putting pressure on us to conform to their expectations or ideas of what we should be doing with our lives. They may try to control us or limit our choices, out of a desire to protect us from failure or harm. Or they may simply not believe in us and our abilities, and so fail to support us in achieving our goals.

If you find yourself in a situation where other people are holding you back, it's important to take a stand and assert yourself. You need to be clear about what you want and what you're willing to do to achieve it.

You need to set boundaries and stand up for yourself, even if it means upsetting or disappointing those around you. And you need to believe in yourself and your abilities, even when others don't.

Remember, only YOU know what you're capable of achieving, so don't let anyone else tell you what's possible or impossible for you.

A person walks past a graffiti wall with the words "courage" written on it.

Circumstances—sometimes, circumstances can hold us back

There are also times when it's not ourselves or other people holding us back from reaching our potential, but the circumstances we find ourselves in.

We may be in a job or situation that doesn't allow us to reach our full potential. We may be living in poverty or under difficult circumstances that make it hard to focus on anything else.

We may be facing discrimination or prejudice that limits our opportunities. Or we may simply not have the resources or support we need to achieve our goals.

If you find yourself in a situation where circumstances are holding you back, it's important to remember that they are not permanent.

Circumstances can and do change, so don't give up hope. Keep fighting for what you want, and believe that you can achieve it, even in the face of adversity. With hard work and determination, you can overcome any obstacle and reach your full potential!

Our own beliefs—sometimes, our own beliefs can hold us back

There are times when it's not ourselves or other people or circumstances that are holding us back from reaching our potential, but our own beliefs.

We may believe that we're not good enough or that we can't do it. We may have been told this by others, or we may have come to this conclusion ourselves. Either way, these negative beliefs can limit our potential and prevent us from achieving our goals.

If you find yourself held back by negative beliefs about yourself, it's important to challenge them. Why do you believe these things? Are they really true? What evidence do you have to back them up?

Once you start to question your negative beliefs, you may find that they start to lose their hold over you. And as you let go of these limiting beliefs, you'll start to see more possibilities for yourself and your life.

Fear—sometimes, fear can hold us back

Of course, one of the most significant barriers to reaching our full potential is fear. We may be afraid of failing or being inadequate. We may be concerned about what others will think or say about us. We might be scared of change or the unknown. Whatever our fears are, they can keep us from taking the risks required to achieve our objectives.

If you are being held back by fear, it is critical that you confront it. Consider what the worst-case scenario is. Then you should ask yourself, "Is that really that bad?"

When we take a step back and examine our fears objectively, we often discover that they are not as big or as frightening as we thought. So, don't let fear prevent you from reaching your full potential. Face it head-on and go after your objectives with everything you've got!

Whatever is preventing you from reaching your full potential, remember that you have the power to overcome it. While challenging, it is not impossible. Never give up on your dreams, and always have faith in yourself!

Someone looking down from a high-up outside glass lift.

Comparison to others

We can often be held back by comparing ourselves to others. It's easy to become discouraged and give up on our own potential when we see someone else who appears to be better than us at what we do.

Graphic designers, in particular, are prone to falling into this trap because they are constantly comparing their work to the amazing graphics they see online.

It is critical to remember that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to success. So, instead of comparing yourself to others, concentrate on developing your own distinct style and approach, and let your work speak for itself.

Lack of focus

Another common reason why people don't reach their potential is that they lack focus. When we try to do too many things at once, we dilute our efforts and end up accomplishing less than we could have if we had just focused on one thing.

Freelance graphic designers can often be guilty of this, as they may be working on multiple projects at the same time and trying to juggle a variety of deadlines. It's important to remember that quality is more important than quantity, so it's better to focus on doing a few things well than trying to do too many things at once.


Perfectionism can also be a major roadblock to reaching our potential. When we're constantly striving for perfection, we can end up never finishing anything or putting our work out there for others to see.

Freelance graphic designers may be especially prone to this, as they want their work to be perfect before sending it off to clients. While it's important to strive for quality in your work, remember that nothing is ever perfect and that it's better to get your work out there than to keep it hidden away forever.

Fear of failure

Another common reason why people don't reach their potential is that they're afraid of failing. We often don't try new things or take risks because we're afraid of what might happen if we fail.

Freelance graphic designers may be hesitant to put their work out there for fear of rejection, but it's important to remember that failure is a necessary part of the creative process. If you're never willing to fail, you'll never reach your full potential as a graphic designer.

Fear of success

Yes, believe it or not, some people are actually afraid of being successful. This may appear to be illogical, but it is quite common.

People frequently do not pursue their dreams because they are afraid of what will happen if they do. Freelance graphic designers may be afraid of landing a big client or having too much work, but it's important to remember that success is only frightening if you're unprepared for it.

So, if you're afraid of success, consider what you can do to prepare for it.

Negative self-talk

One of the most common reasons why people don't reach their potential is because of negative self-talk. We often doubt our own abilities and tell ourselves that we're not good enough, which can hold us back from even trying.

Freelance graphic designers may be especially susceptible to this, as they may constantly compare their work to others and think that they'll never be as good as the best designers out there.

It's important to remember that everyone has to start somewhere and that you won't get better if you don't try. So instead of listening to your negative self-talk, focus on your strengths and what you can do to improve.

Freelance graphic designers often face many challenges that can hold them back from reaching their full potential. But by being aware of these challenges and taking steps to overcome them, you can ensure that you reach your full potential as a graphic designer.

Not taking action or putting our plans into action

We all have dreams and aspirations, but many of us don't take the necessary steps to make them a reality. We may be afraid of failure, or we may not really believe in ourselves. But the truth is, if we don't try, we'll never know whether we could have succeeded.

There are countless examples of people who have achieved great things by taking risks and putting their plans into action. Freelance graphic designers are a perfect example; they often start their own businesses by taking the plunge and betting on themselves. And while it's not always easy, the rewards can be incredible.

So what's holding you back? Why not take the first step today? It doesn't matter how small that step may be, as long as you're moving in the right direction. Remember that the only way to achieve your goals is to pursue them!

I hope this article has given you a better understanding of some of the common psychological factors that keep us from reaching our full potential. However, I want to emphasise that understanding these inhibitors is the first step toward overcoming them.

With this knowledge, you can now embark on your journey to reaching your full potential. Remember, it is never too late to begin, and there are always people who will encourage and support you along the way.

What exactly are you waiting for? Let's get this party started!