Eight tips for working with a freelance graphic designer

If you're a business owner, small business or entrepreneur, there's a good chance you'll need to hire a freelance graphic designer at some point.

Eight tips for working with a freelance graphic designer

If you're a business owner, small business or entrepreneur, there's a good chance you'll need to hire a freelance graphic designer at some point.

Graphic designers are responsible for the look and feel of your branding, marketing materials, website and more. So if you're not sure what to look for when hiring a freelance graphic designer or how to work with them once you've hired them, read on!

These eight tips will help make the process run smoothly.

1. When meeting with your designer for the first time, be specific about the type of work you want them to create

Graphic designers on a freelance basis are an integral part of any marketing strategy.

Freelancers are equipped with the skills and knowledge necessary to create virtually anything, including logos, brochures, infographics and websites.

Furthermore, they can assist you in developing a comprehensive brand identity for your business or organisation by creating a logo and an original style guide.

Additionally, freelancers can deliver live presentations or conduct workshops on design-related topics!

However, before you hire one, you should be aware of the following: freelance graphic designers are not necessarily experts in all areas of design. Indeed, the majority of freelance designers specialise in specific areas of design, such as print typography or web graphics, while others concentrate on illustration or video editing.

That's fine because when you hire a freelance graphic designer to assist you with a project, you're hiring them for their unique skill set.

Due to the high demand for freelance graphic designers, you must have a clear idea of what you want before meeting with one. Provide as much detail as possible about the type of work you require from the freelancer and be prepared to provide detailed instructions for your project.

The more information they have, the more effective their work will be for you.

A notepad with the word notes written in ink sits on a desk alongside a pair of glasses.

2. Following the initial meeting, provide them with a specific deadline for the completion of the project

Freelancers strive to produce the highest quality work possible; this is why communication is critical when working with a freelance graphic designer!

While rates for freelance graphic designers vary according to their skill level and experience, the majority of them charge on an hourly basis. When determining the appropriate price for a project, freelancers must consider their studio rent, hourly rate, and other expenses. However, they must consider the time required to complete your project, so you must know how long you want them to work on it before committing!

Ascertain that they understand precisely what day and time they are expected to deliver the final product to avoid any last-minute surprises. Additionally, freelance graphic designers will have other jobs going on at the same time! If you leave things to chance, they may miss your deadline.

If you intend to include images or other data in the project, include a detailed list of what you intend to include so that they do not have to contact you later.

Create a simple document containing all of this information and send it to the designer via email or upload it to a cloud drive where they can easily access it.

3. Provide ample feedback and direction to your designer as they work on your project

When working with a freelance graphic designer, it's critical to provide ample feedback and direction during the course of their work on your project.

This will assist them in creating the exact product you desire. Ascertain that you are clear on the requirements for your project and that you are prepared to provide feedback on their drafts.

If you are satisfied with the final product, provide them with feedback on what they did well and what they could improve on for the next time so they can continue to improve.

Lady walking down a street with her thumbs up.

4. Be constructive in your feedback on drafts!

Freelance graphic designers are professionals who want to ensure that each project is a team effort.

Freelancers thrive on collaboration to create the best possible product for their clients, so be prepared to provide feedback on their drafts if you're not initially satisfied with what you see!

Because freelance graphic designers want you to be satisfied with their work, providing feedback—both positive and constructive—is critical. Not only will this benefit the freelancer in the future, but it's also an excellent way to strengthen any type of working relationship!

If you dislike something about a draft, instead of simply saying "that's bad" or "I despise it," focus on what you would prefer.

Freelance graphic designers desire the highest quality work to provide you with the best service possible. Additionally, freelance graphic designers enjoy sharing their design knowledge, so if you're unsure about something, ask them!

Freelance graphic designers are there to assist you in achieving your objectives and to provide you with the highest quality service possible.

5. Freelance graphic designers want to ensure that they are providing an excellent service to their clients. This is why communication is critical

If you have any questions or concerns, contact them immediately so they can address them before your project is completed.

While freelance graphic designers strive for perfection, problems do occur, and there is nothing more frustrating than having things fall through the cracks at the conclusion of a project.

6. Bear in mind that good design takes time!

Good design takes time. This is something to keep in mind when working with a freelance graphic designer.

Freelancers are often juggling multiple projects at once, so it's important to be patient and allow them enough time to produce quality work.

If you need a project completed quickly, be sure to let the designer know upfront so they can adjust their expectations and timeline. Freelancers should also be upfront about how long it will take to complete your project.

On the other hand, if the designer is falling behind on their milestones, you should be understanding but firm. Freelance graphic designers operate on deadlines just like everyone else, so you shouldn't feel guilty for expecting them to meet yours.

If they aren't doing so, be sure to kindly communicate your expectations and ask if there's anything they need from you to get back on schedule.

An Apple watch is displayed on someone's wrist.

7. Pay attention to the details—before approving the final product, ensure that you are satisfied with it

It's critical to pay attention to the details when working with a freelance graphic designer.

Before you approve the finished product, ensure that you are satisfied with it. This will assist in avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that you receive the exact product you desire. Because freelance graphic designers are hired on a per-job basis, it's critical to be as specific and concise as possible about the finished product.

Because freelance graphic designers are not robots, take the time to respond to their questions and understand their perspective. Freelance graphic designers can offer valuable insight into their work, ensuring that you receive the best possible final product for your unique requirements.

Do not be afraid to enquire. Freelance graphic designers, like everyone else, are human, so don't be afraid to ask if there is something specific you want to be included in your project.

8. Reimburse the designer on time for their efforts

Because freelance graphic designers understand how critical it is to be paid in full at the conclusion of a project, they frequently request payment in stages.

Paying freelance graphic designers on time is one of the most critical things you can do when working with them. Freelancers frequently manage multiple projects concurrently and require prompt payment to continue working on your project.

Not paying them on time can also sour the relationship and make future collaborations with that designer more difficult. Graphic designers (and the majority of other types of freelancers) work on a project-by-project basis.

So you want to employ a graphic designer on a freelance basis? That is fantastic!

Here’s the summary to your successful future relationship:

If you wish to collaborate with them, ensure that you understand the requirements of your project and then communicate them clearly.

  • Keep in mind that being too vague about the type of design or style you're looking for can result in communication breakdowns.
  • When you're not sure, ask questions. It's better than being angry later when you find out that something isn't right.
  • Additionally, don't forget to provide feedback on each draft they send you so they can create a product that is exactly how you envisioned it from start to finish by providing specific information about what works well and where improvements can be made.
  • Finally, if everything appears to be in order at the conclusion of the process, don't forget to compensate your freelancer for their time and talent! It is a professional act.

I hope this article has provided you with some useful tips for working with a freelance graphic designer and getting the best results possible.