From Viral to Invisible: Surviving the Emotional Whiplash of Social Media Algorithms

“Remember, an algorithm does not determine your worth as a creator.”

From Viral to Invisible: Surviving the Emotional Whiplash of Social Media Algorithms

As creatives in the digital age, we've all experienced the exhilarating highs and crushing lows that come with sharing our work on social media.

One day, you're riding the wave of a viral post, basking in likes, shares, and an influx of new followers. The next, your carefully crafted content seems to vanish into the void, barely generating a ripple in the vast ocean of online content.

The ever-changing algorithms that control our social media feeds are the driving force behind this real-life visibility rollercoaster.

For freelancers, graphic designers, and other creative professionals who rely on these platforms to showcase their work and attract clients, the impact of these algorithmic shifts can be profound—not just professionally but emotionally as well.

The Algorithmic Seesaw

Social media algorithms are complex beasts, designed to keep users engaged by showing them content they're most likely to interact with. These algorithms consider a myriad of factors:

  • Post engagement
  • Content type
  • User behaviour
  • Trending topics
  • And more

They're constantly evolving, with platforms tweaking their formulas in an ongoing effort to maximise user engagement (and, by extension, ad revenue).

For creators, this means the rules of the game are always changing:

  • A strategy that worked brilliantly last month might fall flat today.
  • The post format that consistently garnered high engagement suddenly seems invisible.

It's like trying to hit a moving target while blindfolded—frustrating, disorienting, and sometimes downright demoralising.

The Emotional Toll

The unpredictable nature of social media visibility can take a significant toll on a creator's mental health and self-esteem.

When our work goes viral, it's natural to feel a surge of validation. We feel seen, appreciated, and confident in our abilities. But when that same quality of work fails to gain traction, it's all too easy to internalise that lack of engagement as a reflection of our worth or talent.

This emotional whiplash can lead to:

  1. Imposter syndrome: doubting your skills and feeling like a fraud, especially when your work isn't performing as well as others in your field.
  2. Anxiety and stress: constantly worrying about your next post and whether it will "perform" well.
  3. Creative paralysis: Feeling unable to create or share work for fear of it being ignored or poorly received.
  4. Burnout: exhaustion from trying to keep up with ever-changing algorithms and platform demands.
  5. Comparison trap: measuring your worth against others' visible success, forgetting that you're only seeing their highlights.

These emotional challenges can be particularly acute for freelancers and independent creatives, who often lack the support systems and stability of traditional employment. When your livelihood depends on maintaining a strong online presence, algorithmic invisibility can feel like a direct threat to your career and financial security.

Surviving and Thriving in the Algorithm Era

While we can't control the algorithms, we can control our response to them. Here are some strategies for maintaining your sanity and creativity in the face of social media's algorithmic whims:

Diversify Your Platforms

Don't put all your eggs in one algorithmic basket. While it's tempting to focus on the platform where you've had the most success, relying too heavily on a single channel leaves you vulnerable to sudden changes. Experiment with different platforms to find where your work resonates best and maintain a presence across multiple sites.

Own Your Space

Invest in building a platform you control, like a personal website or blog. While social media is valuable for discovery and networking, your own site gives you a stable home for your portfolio and a direct line of communication with your audience through email lists or newsletters.

Focus on Community, Not Just Numbers

Engagement isn't just about likes and shares. Foster genuine connections with your audience and fellow creatives. Respond to comments, participate in relevant online communities, and collaborate with others in your field. These relationships can provide support, inspiration, and opportunities that aren't dependent on algorithmic favour.

Create for Yourself First

While it's important to consider your audience, don't let the pursuit of engagement dictate your creative choices. Stay true to your artistic vision and create work that fulfils you. Authenticity often resonates more deeply than content designed purely for algorithmic success.

Embrace the Long Game

Viral success is fleeting, but building a sustainable creative career takes time. Focus on consistently producing quality work and gradually growing your audience rather than chasing viral hits. Remember that your true fans will stick with you regardless of algorithmic fluctuations.

Practice Mindful Social Media Use

Set boundaries around your social media use to protect your mental health. This might mean limiting the time you spend on these platforms, taking regular "digital detoxes," or using tools to schedule posts so you're not constantly checking for engagement.

Reframe "Failure"

When a post underperforms, try to view it as data rather than a personal failure. What can you learn from it? How might you adjust your approach next time? Remember that even the most successful creators have work that doesn't resonate—it's part of the creative process.

Cultivate Offline Inspirations

Don't let social media become your sole creative fuel. Seek inspiration in nature, museums, books, conversations, and lived experiences. This not only enriches your work but also helps maintain perspective when online engagement fluctuates.

Invest in Skill Development

While social media savvy is valuable, your core creative skills are your true foundation. Continually honing your craft ensures that you'll have value to offer regardless of algorithmic trends.

The Bigger Picture

As we navigate the choppy waters of social media algorithms, it's crucial to remember why we create in the first place.

Our work has inherent value beyond likes and shares. It has the power to move, inspire, and transform—even if it reaches just one person.

Moreover, the very unpredictability that can make social media so frustrating is also what makes it exciting. The next algorithm update could be the one that amplifies your voice in unexpected ways.

A connection made through a seemingly "unsuccessful" post could lead to your next big opportunity.

By focusing on what we can control—our craft, our authenticity, and our connections—we can build resilience against the emotional whiplash of algorithmic changes.

We can create a sustainable creative practice that thrives not in spite of social media's unpredictability, but because we've learnt to ride its waves with grace and purpose.


Remember, an algorithm does not determine your worth as a creator. Your work's passion, impact on others, and unique perspective on the world determine your worth as a creator.

Keep creating; keep sharing; and trust that your voice will find its audience—with or without algorithmic assistance.

In the end, perhaps the greatest act of creative rebellion in the age of algorithms is to create fearlessly, share authentically, and define success on our own terms.

By doing so, we not only survive the emotional whiplash of social media—we transcend it, forging a path that's true to our artistic vision and resilient in the face of digital winds of change.