What to do when your weaknesses are getting in the way of your success


We all have weaknesses. Some of us are great at creative problem-solving but not so great at time management. Others of us are incredible at networking but not so great at asking for help.

No matter what our individual strengths and weaknesses may be, there's one thing we all have in common: we all want to be successful.

But what do you do when your weaknesses are getting in the way of your success? When your natural inclinations are holding you back from reaching your full potential? When your go-to strategies are no longer working like they used to?

This week, we'll explore what to do when your weaknesses are getting in the way of your success. We'll talk about why it's important to understand and embrace your weaknesses; how to turn your weaknesses into strengths; and how to put yourself in a position to succeed despite your weaknesses.

Why It's Important to Understand and Embrace Your Weaknesses.

One of the most important things you can do when trying to overcome your weaknesses is to understand and embrace them. We tend to think of our weaknesses as something to be ashamed of, something that makes us less than who we are supposed to be.

But the truth is, our weaknesses are a fundamental part of who we are as people. They make us unique and they give us an opportunity to grow and improve.

Think about it this way: if you're always trying to hide or downplay your weaknesses, you're never going to get better at them. You're never going to learn how to overcome them or how to use them to your advantage.

But if you're willing to face up to your weaknesses and work on them openly and honestly, you'll find that they're not nearly as big or as difficult as you thought they were.

How To Transform Your Weaknesses Into Strengths.

Once you've taken the time to understand and embrace your weaknesses, it's time to start turning them into strengths. This is where many people get frustrated because they think that their only option is to just try harder. But that's not necessarily true.

In fact, sometimes, the best way to overcome a weakness is not by trying harder but by finding a different way altogether.

For example, let's say you're a freelancer who tends to procrastinate on big projects. Rather than just trying harder next time around, why not try setting smaller deadlines for yourself? Or breaking the project down into smaller pieces so that it feels less daunting? Or working in shorter bursts with more frequent breaks?

By finding a different way altogether, you can take your natural inclination towards procrastination and use it to your advantage instead of letting it hold you back.


No one is perfect—we all have our own individual strengths and weaknesses. And while our weaknesses can sometimes hold us back from achieving our full potential, they can also be turned into strengths if we're willing to face up to them and work on them openly and honestly.

So if you're looking for ways to overcome your own personal obstacles and set yourself up for success, start by taking the time to understand and embrace your own unique set of strengths and weaknesses.

Then find a different way altogether—a way that will help you use your natural inclinations towards procrastination, perfectionism, or whatever else it may be—to fuel rather than hinder your success moving forward.

And finally, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. After all, even the most successful people have had mentors and coaches along the way. So reach out to your network of family and friends, colleagues, or online resources and get the support you need to help turn your weaknesses into strengths.

Good luck and thanks for reading!