Build your creativity muscles


Have you ever felt as though your creativity was lacking?

Do you know how it feels when you're trying to come up with a new idea but coming up empty?

To be sure, we all occasionally fall into those ruts. Fortunately, there are ways to flex your creative muscles and ensure you keep those ideas flowing!

Consider the following suggestions to help you boost your creativity:

Start with a new book, magazine, or blog.

It is critical to maintaining an awareness of current events in the world around us. Continuously expanding our knowledge base has a long-term beneficial effect on our creativity. What’s more, you never know when an idea for a piece of work will strike you.

Doodle in a sketchbook for fun every day.

It's straightforward, and it can help you be more creative! Doodling benefits the brain because it stimulates the imagination by establishing connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

Furthermore, what better way to pass the time than by drawing? Additionally, it improves concentration while stuck somewhere or waiting for an appointment.

Make a playlist of inspirational songs that you can listen to while working on creative projects.

Music is an incredible way to enter into a creative state of mind, but it's critical to choose the appropriate genre! For example, some people enjoy listening to classical music while they work because the soothing tones help to calm and relax their minds sufficiently to allow for creative thought.

If you prefer more upbeat music, try dance or pop, as these genres are more likely to inspire ideas than to relax the mind.

Keep a mental note of your ideas as they occur to you to avoid forgetting them later.

We must keep track of our thoughts and the things we create, but it's easy to lose track when there are simply too many! That is why I recommend keeping a notebook or using an online documenting tool such as Google Docs to keep track of everything.

This way, if something random occurs to you (say, while walking through town), you'll immediately know where to look without having to sift through all of your computer files.

Set aside time each day for yourself—go for a walk, exercise, or learn to do yoga—do whatever brings you joy!

Certain people think best in their own homes, surrounded by nothing but silence. However, not everyone can afford to lose themselves in an empty house alone, and it may be more enjoyable to engage in something enjoyable, such as exercising or running errands. If nothing else, you could try meditating, which helps clear your mind and is also an excellent stress reliever!

Additionally, it is beneficial to get some fresh air into your system, even if it means venturing outside and taking a solo stroll through town. However, if neither of those options appeals to you, you could always try something new, such as golfing or hiking through the countryside.

Nowadays, there are so many different activities available, from outdoor to indoor, that it's easy to find something enjoyable regardless of the day!

As a result, if you're looking to up your creative game, consider something along these lines. All of these suggestions are excellent for maintaining focus and avoiding distractions!

I hope you’ve found these ideas helpful and that they will help you build your creative muscles.


If you want to continue reading about my favourite books, visit this blog post where I talk about the 15 graphic design books that influenced me earlier in my career.

The 15 Graphic Design Books that Influenced Me

📚 What I’m reading right now

I am currently reading Mindset, by Dr Carol S. Dweck. In this book, the author explains why it is not only our abilities and talent that determines our level of success but also whether we approach our goals with a fixed or growth mindset. We can achieve our own personal and professional objectives if we have the right frame of mind.

🎙️ What I’m listening to now

I am currently listening to the podcast—How to get more from what you read—The Future with Chris Do. In this discussion, Chris shares his approach to reading books. He talks about how he reads and takes notes on the book, as well as why we should all read a book at least three times.