9 Ways Instagram Improved My Ability to Find Freelance Work

I've been a freelance graphic designer for over ten years and Instagram has had the single most positive impact on my ability to attract freelance work.

9 Ways Instagram Improved My Ability to Find Freelance Work

I've been a freelance graphic designer for over ten years and Instagram has had the single most positive impact on my ability to attract freelance work.

In this post, I'd like to share nine ways that Instagram has aided my success as a freelancer. You can start attracting more freelance work by following my advice!

1. Spread the word about your work to a larger audience

As a Graphic Designer, I am always looking for ways to get my work in front of more people. Instagram has been an extremely valuable tool in this regard. It allows me to share my work with a larger audience, build a following and gain new clients!

If you are thinking about becoming a Graphic Designer or Freelancer, I highly recommend using Instagram to showcase your skills and attract potential clients.

2. Create a list of potential clients

As a freelance graphic designer, you understand how important it is to cultivate a client base.

Instagram is a fantastic platform for this! We're all aware that social media is about more than just posting kitten pictures!

The key to growing a strong Instagram audience is to consistently post high-quality content, intersperse promotional posts throughout the channel and most importantly, stay active within the community by responding to comments and engaging with other users.

If you can accomplish this, you will be well on your way to establishing a following of potential clients who are interested in your services!

As a freelancer, Instagram has made my life easier because it allowed me to share my portfolio with thousands of people who would never have seen or heard of my work otherwise. Furthermore, many prospective clients are active on Instagram and are always looking for new designers to collaborate with.

3. Obtain new customers through referrals

Referrals are one of the best ways for a freelance graphic designer to find new clients.

When a friend or colleague recommends your services, it carries more weight than any advertisement could. And, because people are more likely to trust their friends' recommendations than advertisements, this is a very effective way to attract new customers.

Showcasing your work on Instagram has been one of the best ways for me to get referrals. People are more likely to recommend you to their friends if they see the high quality of your work. So make sure to share a lot of great images, reels etc. of your work on Instagram.

4. Increase the number of people who see your work—As your following grows, so does the number of people who see your work

As a Graphic Designer, it has always been my goal to share my work with as many people as possible.

I have found that Instagram is an excellent platform for doing this! As your following grows, so does the number of people who see your work. This means that you can use Instagram to increase the visibility of your skills and attract new clients without having to spend more time on marketing or networking.

Instagram Insights statistics are displayed on an Apple iPhone.

5. Display your abilities and skills

Graphic designers are constantly on the lookout for new and innovative ways to increase the visibility of their work.

Social media has grown in importance as a tool in freelancers' self-promotion arsenal. Freelancers frequently lack the time, money, and patience required to market their skills. However, for potential employers to recognise your abilities, you must gain exposure, which Instagram provides!

A graphic designer's abilities can be applied to any industry, from fashion and cosmetics to education and healthcare.

Instagram is one such platform that can be used to showcase creative designs in a more visual format that attracts attention to a large following of over 30 million users.

Freelancers who post images, stories, and reels on Instagram not only gain exposure but also attract potential clients through interactions with followers who may require the freelancer's services or recommend them to other businesses that could benefit from their skills.

6. Connect with other freelancers and professionals in your field

Freelancers are becoming more common in today's workplace.

Freelancing can be a great way for professionals to keep their skills sharp and establish themselves as leaders in their field but it also presents some unique challenges.

Because freelancers have no one else to rely on or share the workload with, they frequently struggle to find time for necessary tasks such as networking and marketing that other employees may handle at the office.

Freelancers must find ways to manage these responsibilities while working independently from home, which is why Instagram has become such a valuable tool for me and many freelance graphic designers!

7. Be inspired by the work of others in your field

Freelance graphic designers are frequently looking for inspiration to help them be more creative.

Freelance graphic designers can find a lot of inspiration from other freelance graphic designers who have worked in the field and have experience with various types of design projects.

Freelancers should look at what other freelancers and graphic designers are doing on Instagram every day, even if they don't know the person or company behind it all.

It will give you ideas for what you might want to do in your own work as well as show you how others approach things, which may give you new insights into your own work.

Because design is an ever-changing industry, freelancers must constantly keep up with trends and technological changes. Instagram is a great way to keep up with new graphic design trends as they emerge. You can see what new fonts are being used, what colour palettes are popular and even get ideas for new projects.

By following other designers and freelancers on Instagram, you can stay ahead of the curve and be more successful in your freelance career.

8. Obtain feedback from others

Graphic designers frequently seek feedback from their peers to improve the quality of their work. By sharing your designs online with others, you can receive constructive feedback that will help you make the necessary changes and improvements.

Feedback can also help you determine how well your work is received by the general public. In addition, soliciting feedback from others can aid in the development of relationships and networking opportunities.

Three people are looking at and sharing a MacBook Air computer.

9. Gain Exposure to New Markets.

One of the other advantages of Instagram is that it has introduced me to new markets that I would not have encountered otherwise.

For instance, I've gained clients in Australia, the United States, and Canada as a result of my work being discovered on Instagram. If you're looking to target a specific market or geographic area, Instagram can make it much easier. In short, Instagram can assist you in finding freelance work in a variety of ways, including increasing the visibility of your work, showcasing your skills in novel ways and increasing your exposure to new markets.

Although Instagram has been extremely beneficial to me, it is not the only social media platform that can benefit freelance graphic designers.

Facebook Pages, for example, can be used to create a portfolio of your work and share blog posts about design trends or helpful tips.

Twitter can also be used to share quick snapshots of your designs as well as links to longer articles on your website or blog.

The important thing is to use all of these platforms to showcase your skills and connect with potential clients.

A quick note in light of the success of new platforms such as TikTok's video format. Instagram's focus has shifted and it is now more of a video platform than a photo platform. So, if you want to reach a larger audience with today's algorithm, you should consider using more reels rather than just static images.

Yes, I am aware and I am currently working on it. ☺️

Are you currently marketing yourself as a freelance graphic designer on Instagram (or any other social media platform)? If not, what is holding you back?